美剧学表达:Screw up/Screw you

美剧学表达:Screw up/Screw you

2017-10-24    05'16''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

36 2

Screw screw 作为名词,是螺丝钉的意思。但是它的口语使用却远远超过了单词本身的意思,多以动词为主。 1. Screw you. 去你的,去你*的,滚蛋(脏话) Screw you,Jack. 去你的,杰克。 2. Screw sth. 不管了 Screw the party:去你的派对,不管了。 Screw the meeting:去你的开会,不管了。 3.Screw it:管它呢,不管了,算了 Screw it=F**k it. 4. Screw 作为动词,还有“占便宜”“骗诈”的意思,口语理解为坑 的意思 I trust you,but you screwed me. 我那么信赖你,你却坑了我。 I got screwed by you. 5. be screwed:完蛋了。 Mark lost his way, He is screwed. 马克迷路了,那他完蛋了。 I'm so screwed. 我是完蛋啦. 6. Screw up:弄糟,搞砸了 Don't screw up the party. 别把聚会搞砸了。 She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞砸了,只得重新再做。 I screwed up this time. 这次我搞砸了。 7. Screw around: 闹着玩。 Are you kidding? I'm not screwing around. 开什么国际玩笑?我没给你闹着玩。 类似表达: screwing around=messing around 8. Screw with:玩弄 Don't screw with me. 别玩我. 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧