

2017-10-30    04'52''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

27 2

插队用英语怎么说? 插队有好多英语表达方法,比如:jump a queue和cut in line,插队的人是queue jumper,插队的行为是queue jumping 对话: A: I can't believe it took us two hours to get here. B: You're right. The traffic in Shanghai is unbelievable. A: Look at the line. It must be a mile long. There's no way I'm waiting for another two hours. B: Just relax... A:Sorry,Sir. I was here first and you can't cut the line. C: Oh,l'm really late. Can I cut in line please? A: Over my dead body. 讲解: 1. Unbelievable=incredible=amazing Your spoken English is unbelievable.(褒义) The traffic in Shanghai is unbelievable.(正话反说) 2. A mile long. It must be a mile long. The line is really really long. Don't make a reading list a mile long — focus on the book in your hand. 不要列出冗长的读书清单 — 专注于你手中的书。 3 There's no way…= it's impossible... 不可能... There's no way he has enough money to buy it. 他不可能有足够的钱来买它。 There's no way you can improve a lot just through watching American movies. 4 插队: Cut in line=jump the queue I hate it when people cut in line at the bank. It's so rude. 我讨厌在银行插队的人,太粗鲁了。 I think it's ok when a pregnant woman cuts in line. 我可以接受孕妇插队的现象。 5 Over my dead body 休想(除非我死了),表示强烈反对。 Can I sit here? Over my dead body. 关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧