hit看书,打人,撞人,去撩妹撩汉,无所不能呀 ~~

hit看书,打人,撞人,去撩妹撩汉,无所不能呀 ~~

2017-10-31    04'45''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

37 0

关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧 Hit 美 /hɪt/ Got hit Hate 美 /het/ Hate me everyday Heat 美 /hit/ Miami heat hit作为动词,有击打;撞击的意思 Don't hit me. 别打我。 He got hit by a fast car. 他被一辆飞奔的汽车撞到了。 hit=go to,还有去的意思 hit the town 去镇上。 hit the gym to kill time. 去健身房打发时间。 I'm gonna hit KFC to grab a burger. 我想去肯德基买个汉堡。 hit the books:看书;学习 The final examination is coming. I have to hit the books. 期末考试就快来了,我得学习了。 hit the road 出发;离开 Everything is set now. Let's hit the road. 都准备好了,我们出发吧! hit on sb:搭讪; 和某人调情 Don't you know that he was hitting on you? 难道你不知道他刚才是对你有意思吗? hit sb up:找某人;和...联络 When you are back ,hit me up. 你回来后,记得找我。 hit the spot 使人满意,正合需要(原意是射中靶心,射中者对自己的射击技术非常满意。现在,hit the spot通常是指食物或饮品尤其令人满意。) My mother is very good at cooking. Her dishes always hit the spot. 我妈妈厨艺很精湛,她做的菜可好吃了。 Another cup of coffee would hit the spot. 再来一杯咖啡就完美了。 hit the bed=hit the hay:去睡觉 It's time for me to hit the bed. 我该睡觉了。 hit it off:合得来;投缘;一见如故的感觉 If you like,I could set you up with Jenny. I think you two are gonna hit it off. 如果你喜欢,我可以把Jenny介绍给你,我想你们一定合得来。