美剧台词1分钟:How could you possibly…?

美剧台词1分钟:How could you possibly…?

2018-02-24    10'20''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

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关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取:原版美剧视频,语音讲解和发音技巧。 How could you possibly… 你怎么会.../你怎么能…呢? How could you possibly understand how I feel? 你怎么可能明白我的感受? How could you possibly expect me to eat that? 你怎么能指望我吃那个东西呢? In any state: 在任何情形下 Arouse:唤醒,激发。 拓展短语: turn somebody on. Turn somebody off. Go wrong:出毛病,有差错,不顺利。 Everything goes wrong on Friday. 周五那天,一起都不顺利。 You could feel that /it 你能感受到。言外之意是说服对方,让对方真切的感受到,被译为:我是相信/我很相信。 Middle of the school days. 上学期间,那天上学。 Middle class: 中产阶级 In the middle of 还可以表示忙于做… I'm in the middle of cooking for seven people. 我正忙于给七个人做饭呢。 A bunch of:一群,一堆,几个 A bunch of flowers:一束鲜花 A bunch of seven-year-olds: 一群七八岁的孩子。 Loads of:大量,许多 He got loads of presents and cards. 他收到了许多礼物和贺卡。 All of a sudden: 突然 Come raining down: 向下洒落 Raining把生动洒落的状态表现的淋漓尽致。 Come down :下落,下来 If you don't come down, l will go up. 如果你不下来,我就上去了。 Come down with:表示患病的意思 He is coming down with a flu. 他患了流感。 Awful: Awful weather=bad weather 糟糕的天气,恶劣的天气。 Blow up: 炸毁…,发脾气,放大照片。 Blow up into pieces:被炸成碎片 I really blew up when I learned the fake news. 听到不实的消息,真的很生气。 I 'd like 8 by 10 blow ups of these negatives, please. 请你把这些底片放大成8X10那么大的照片。 Wound up as: 最终成为… 关注微信公众号: 美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧、口语表达、听写