美剧台词1分钟:奔三,奔四的花式表达 We are deep in the threes.

美剧台词1分钟:奔三,奔四的花式表达 We are deep in the threes.

2018-02-25    08'47''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

25 1

关注微信公众号:美语奇葩说 获取:原版美剧视频,语音讲解和发音技巧。 This is a low point.这是人生低谷了。 low point 可以指糟糕时刻,低谷期。 I'm at a low point now, 我现在就在低潮期, Because I can't do what I want to do. 因为我不能做我想做的事。 奔三、奔四...以及模糊年龄的表达 In one's 30s: 三十几岁 In one's 40s: 四十几岁 比如:I'm in my 20s. 我二十多岁。 或者:I'm twenty and a bit. 我二十几岁啦。 She is in her early 30s.她才三十岁出头。 He is in his late 30s.他奔四了。 We are deep in the threes.我们奔四了。 He is pushing 30.他奔三了。 hell:地狱。go to the hell:下地狱。 The hell用于加强语气,强调情感,没有特殊意思。 Who are you? 你是谁? Who the hell are you?你究竟是谁? What are you doing here?你在这干什么? What the hell are you doing here?你到底在这里干嘛? What is going on?发生了什么? What the hell is going on?究竟发生了什么? You have got to stop with...:你别再提...了 You have got to stop with the complaint about life. 你别再提抱怨生活这事了。 There's something there. 肯定有关系。 I had this...:我憧憬着... I had this,I would marry a man like Sam. 我憧憬着,我能嫁给像Sam一样的男人。 Envision:想象,展望 eat away:痛快的吃,把...吃掉 I ate my dream life away. 我把自己的梦想吃了个精光。 关注微信公众号: 美语奇葩说 获取更多发音技巧、口语表达、听写