2018-09-26    00'48''

主播: Jay🍊

192 0

9-26麦克风 This might look like a Candyland Playhouse but it’s far from it. The Chinese call it a baby hatch. This woman is about to abandon the infant she’s holding. There is no one inside this pink house. She presses a button to alert a nurse. The nurse will take the child to a nearby orphanage. Locals say this happens eight times a day. The hatches are a radical experiment by Chinese authorities to rescue the 10,000 babies abandoned every year. Many of them on the street, one out of three die. Families who use the baby hatch do it anonymously and almost none will speak publicly. Many of the parents who abandon their child do it because their kid is sick and they can’t afford to raise them. 这间房子可能看起来像是一个糖果乐园玩具屋,但事实上它远非如此。中国人把它称作“婴儿安全岛”。这个女人正要遗弃她怀抱里的婴儿。粉色的房子里没有人。女人按了一下按钮来通知护士。护士会过来把孩子带到附近的一家孤儿院。当地人说,每天平均会发生八起这种状况。 婴儿安全岛是中国政府为了拯救每年的一万弃婴而开展的一项极端实验。这一万弃婴大多都是被丢弃在大街上,其中三分之一的婴儿会死亡。那些来到安全岛的家庭都是在不公开姓名的情况下遗弃婴儿的。几乎没有人会发表公开讲话。许多父母遗弃自己的孩子是因为他们的孩子生病了,而他们也没有能力抚养孩子。
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