2018-09-27    01'02''

主播: Jay🍊

174 1

I'm an assistant professor of sociology at San Francisco State University. Between me and my partner we make anywhere between $100,000 and $110,000 a year and that's considered "low income" here. My family of four, my partner, our two children, live in a one-bedroom apartment in a high-rise; we pay $2,400. We are living in a University subsidized apartment, so that's why we have it a little cheaper. We pay around $1,300 a month for daycare for our two-year-old daughter. Even if I am a professor and I have these great benefits, often it's harder and harder to justify how to live in this city, because it's so expensive. Home ownership in the Bay Area feels like chasing a dream. It's what they call a seller's market. There is no negotiation. There is a push-and-pull about living in San Francisco: the, you know, "I left my heart in San Francisco" kind of feeling, but also you are broken-hearted in San Francisco because you can't afford to live here.
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