2018-10-31    00'39''

主播: Jay🍊

180 0

2018.10.30 EMF 前任 科比·布莱恩特的金玉良言 Extremely, and I always will be. If you cut this arm open, I bleed purple gold. That's never gonna change. He's part of the Laker family. When he first came on board, I said, "Listen, is there anything you need... You are now family, you are part of the tradition. Is there anything you need, just let me know." The message is always "go out there and dominate; there's no let-up." Once the game starts and once the practice begins, you're in that mode. Everything is a Game 7. When you approach every practice, every game with that kind of mentality, it then bleeds into the rest of the guys and then the rest of the unit has that same approach, that same intensity. But it starts at the top.
上一期: 20181030101108
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