2018-11-01    01'27''

主播: Jay🍊

162 2

lesson B Extremely (in love with English teaching), and I always will be. If you put me under hypnosis, I sleep-talk English Michael Fun. That's never gonna change. The message is always "get down to earth and work hard; there's no shortcut." Once the learning starts and once the EMF begins, you're in that (learning) mode. Every day is the last day before the final exams. When you approach every failure, every setback with that kind of resilient mentality, it then circulates through the rest of your behavior and then the rest of the difficulties look less intimidating. But it all starts from your family education when you were a child. I'm enjoying the beautiful weather without any worries in the world. I'm playing a video game on my computer because I have nothing to do. I'm at the grocery store buying ingredients for tonight's dinner. I'm at the gym working out. I'm pretty busy right now. I'm doing my homework because I have an exam tomorrow. My project deadline is coming up, so I'm currently in the process of finishing my tasks. I'm taking the day off from work today because I have so many errands. I'm going to the post office to send some packages to my friends. I'm looking for a job. The job market does not look that great, but I can't give up. I'm applying for a job at a consulting firm in Taiwan. I'm listening to music while thinking about my situation.
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