2018-12-06    01'05''

主播: Jay🍊

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EMF,英语麦克风 2018.12.05   男生搭讪套路 Lesson A   核心报导   1. Hey, what's up. There's nothing I would want more than just sit exactly right here, next to you. That's a pretty name. I like you. That's how I like to roll.I just like to be forward to get straight to the point. I mean, I don't know you, but I'd like to get to know you. 嘿,你好。我最想做的事情就是坐在你旁边。这个名字挺好听的。我喜欢你。我就是这样的风格。我喜欢直截了当,直奔主题。我的意思是,我不认识你,但是我想认识你。   2. I'm gonna work my way up. Don't rush me. You're a pretty girl. You get hit on all the time, for sure. Do you want to hang out sometime? I'll tell you what,I've invaded you guys' privacy. Just remember, I will send you a text. What is it? 我会一步一步来,别催我啊。你长得真漂亮。你一定总是被搭讪。你想找个时间一起出去玩吗?我这么说吧,我刚才侵犯了你的隐私。但记住,我会发短信给你的。你的号码是多少?   3. How do you expect to get to know a person without hanging out with them? I like pretty girls and I like to take them out to eat. Is that okay with you? Fine,fine ... what is it? 你怎么能在不与他们交往的情况下了解一个人呢?我喜欢漂亮的女孩,我喜欢带她们出去吃东西。你可以吗?好...好... 你号码是多少?   4. You're new here? How do you like it so far? You have a boyfriend? You do?You like him? I don't know about that. I think we should hang out, as friends, to start. And if you guys break up,and then we can get together. 你是新来的?目前为止你觉得这里怎么样?你有男朋友吗?你真的有吗?你喜欢他吗?我不确定。我认为我们应该一起出去玩,从当朋友开始。如果你们分手了,到那时候我们就可以在一起了。   5. I don't really care if I get rejected. I mean, we gonna be friends. I'm not gonna come off like strong or anything.But like, the day he breaks your heart,which he is going to, you know that.You should be texted. What' s your number? 如果我被拒绝了我也不在乎。我的意思是我们会成为朋友。我不会表现得很强势或者其他之类的。但是,有一天如果他伤了你的心,你知道他会的。你应该收到短信。你的电话号码是多少?
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