2018-12-07    00'47''

主播: Jay🍊

105 1

12.06.女生需知男生搭讪的套路(B) There's nothing I would want more than just lie exactly right there (on the beach of the Caribbean ), next to hot Bikini Girls. That's how I like to roll. I just like to be free to live Iife to its fullest. I mean, I can't afford it, but I'd like to get to realize it. You're gonna recover your way up. Don't rush yourself. You're a VIP patient. You get told this all the time, for sure. How do you expect to get back to normal from an operation without resting up for a couple of months? I don't really care if my products get sold I mean, they're gonna be huge hits. I'm not gonna come off like eager or something. But like, the day prices break the record, which they are going to, you know that. You must be regretful. How many kilos do you want after all? 1.我最想要的就是躺在加勒比海滩上,身边一群比基尼美女。这就是我想要的生活方式。我想要自由,并且活得极致。我想说,虽然我现在做不到,但是我会为此努力的。 2.你一定会好起来的,不要逼自己。你是重点病人,我想医生肯定都和你说了。你怎么可能不体息几个月就从一场手术中恢复呢? 3.我一点都不在乎产品卖不卖得出去。我的意思是,这肯定是爆款。我不会显得很巴不得你买的样子,但是,等到有天涨价了,也肯定会涨价,你懂的。你肯定会后悔,所以想好了吗,要买几斤?
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