2018-12-28    00'41''

主播: Jay🍊

132 1

EMF,day 841~ 2018.12.27   空乘,不一样的工作体验 Lessson B   英语卡拉OK   1.模拟第一句: 成为一名家长充满着幸福,责任和琐事。每天都是重复和枯燥的。世界上哪份工作这么累还没有钱?过去四年里我做到了自己都不曾想象过的事情。 Being a parent is full of blessings, responsibilities and trivialities. Each day is similar and boring. What job pays you nothing to exhaust yourself? I've spent the last four years doing things I've never dreamed of.   2.模拟第二句: 工作方式完全不同。你没有一个预设的内容大纲,尽管如此,你永远不知道受众要的是什么。这给我的工作带来了很多压力和不确定性。 The work style is completely different.You don't have a set schedule of the content that you will be covering. However, you never know what they' re going to need. It has brought so much pressure and uncertainty into my work.   3.模拟第三句: 我一想起婚礼的誓言,我感觉这就不是我想要的。如果你寻找的仅是一段浪漫,不是一辈子的束缚,那么领取“红色小本本”不是你要做的决定。 The minute I think about that wedding vows, I feel like it's not my thing. If you're looking for no more than just a romance, not a lifetime bond, getting a small red cover booklet is not the decision to make.
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