iPhone X延迟上市导致苹果概念股下跌

iPhone X延迟上市导致苹果概念股下跌

2017-09-19    02'40''

主播: 20103381

233 6

Apple component suppliers took a share-price hit on Wednesday after the world’s biggest technology company said that its $999 iPhone X would be launched later than expected. 苹果(Apple)的零部件供应商在9月13日纷纷遭遇股价下跌,此前全球最大科技公司宣布其起售价999美元的iPhone X将晚于预期上市。 The UK’s Dialog Semiconductor and IQE, which sell chips and parts to Apple for its smartphone, headed lower as trading opened. 向苹果销售智能手机芯片和零件的英国戴乐格半导体(Dialog Semiconductor)和IQE公司,一开盘股价就开始走低。 IQE, the semiconductor maker, fell more than 6 per cent, while Dialog, which draws about three-quarters of its revenues from Apple, was down 1.2 per cent. AMS, an Austrian chipmaker that this week touched all-time highs, fell 3.9 per cent. 半导体制造商IQE的股价跌幅超过6%,而四分之三收入来自苹果的戴乐格股价下跌1.2%。本周股价曾触及历史高位的奥地利芯片制造商AMS股价下跌了3.9%。 The iPhone X, Apple’s “super premium” handset, will not be available until November, compared with the company’s usual September releases, as planned for the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, which were also announced on Tuesday. The X boasts a number of new features, including facial recognition. 苹果的“超级高端”手机iPhone X不会在11月前上市,而往年该公司都是在9月发售新机,同样是在9月12日发布的iPhone 8和8 Plus就定于9月下旬上市。X拥有许多新的功能特性,包括人脸识别。 The trading highlighted the dependence of a global ecosystem of businesses on the Californian company and an associated rise in market volatility around its announcements. Analysts also noted that almost every feature revealed by Apple on Tuesday relied on custom chips that it designs in-house, suggesting it would be reducing its use of outside suppliers in future. 这些行情突显出一个全球企业生态系统对这家加州公司的依赖,以及在其宣布的前后市场波动性随之上升。分析师们还指出,苹果在9月12日宣布的几乎每一项功能,都依赖于其内部设计的定制芯片,这似乎表明该公司将来可能减少对外部供应商的使用。 In Asia, Apple supplier Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, the world’s biggest contract chipmaker, dropped 0.5 per cent. In China, other Apple-linked stocks fell. 在亚洲,苹果供应商、全球最大芯片代工商台积电(TSMC)股价下跌了0.5%。在中国,其他苹果概念股的股价也纷纷下跌。 In New York, Apple’s own shares were 1.3 per cent lower in midday trading. They have risen nearly 40 per cent so far in 2017. 在纽约,苹果自己的股价收盘下跌0.8%。2017年迄今该股上涨了近40%。 “Companies live and die by their relationship with Apple,” said Ben Wood, an analyst at CCS Insight, who suggested that the market move was linked to “some expectation built in to the volume of components that would be sold…that failed to materialise [Tuesday] night”. CCS Insight的分析师本-伍德(Ben Wood)说:“企业与苹果的关系决定着它们的存亡,”他认为市场的走向与一些预期相关,“这些预期建立在零部件的销量上……而9月12日晚这些预期落了空”。 He added that the issue only stood to affect the stock prices of suppliers in the near term, pointing to “pent-up demand”. “The biggest challenge will be satisfying the huge demand for iPhone X,” he said. 他补充道,这一问题只会在近期影响供应商的股价,指出存在“被压抑的需求”。他说:“最大的挑战将是满足对iPhone X的巨大需求。”