贴心! 谷歌搜索可以帮助诊断抑郁症!

贴心! 谷歌搜索可以帮助诊断抑郁症!

2017-09-22    02'06''

主播: 20103381

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Google is going to start asking people if they&`&re depressed. 谷歌将要开始询问人们是否感到抑郁。 Users in the US who are searching for clinical depression will now be able to take a quiz within the search results, which will suggest whether or not they have the condition. 现在,美国的用户用谷歌搜索“临床抑郁症”,可以在搜索结果中进行测验,之后将显示他们是否患有抑郁症。 The company hopes that people can use the questionnaire to get help more quickly and to improve their quality of life, it said. 谷歌公司称,他们希望人们可以因这个问卷而更快得到帮助,提高生活质量。 Noting that clinical depression is incredibly common – around one in five Americans will experience it – and that people often wait for years to get help, it said that it would add a screening questionnaire that would give people more practical help if it thinks they are searching to find out whether or not they have the condition. 值得注意的是,临床抑郁症是很常见的(大约每五个美国人中就有一个),人们往往等数年后才能得到帮助。谷歌表示会添加一个筛选问卷,如果搜索引擎检测到人们正在搜索自己是否患抑郁症,就会提供更实际的帮助。 The clinically validated questions, known as PHG-9, can help identify the levels of depressive symptoms a person has and will pop up just from the search result. 临床验证问题PHG-9可以帮助识别人的抑郁程度,然后在搜索结果中弹出结果。 People will be able to tap on a button that says "Check if you&`&re clinically depressed" and then directed towards a quiz, which makes clear that the answers will be kept entire private. 用户可以点击一个写着“检查是否患有临床抑郁症”的按钮,然后直接进入一个小测验,这个答案将全部保密。 "We hope that by making this information available on Google, more people will become aware of depression and seek treatment to recover and improve their quality of life," Google wrote in its blog post announcing the new feature. 谷歌在其博客文章中写道:“我们希望通过谷歌提供的这些信息,让更多的人了解抑郁症,及时寻求治疗,从而改善他们的生活质量。”