打造智慧租房平台 阿里巴巴进军房屋租赁市场

打造智慧租房平台 阿里巴巴进军房屋租赁市场

2017-09-22    02'06''

主播: 20103381

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Chinese tech giant Alibaba has signed an agreement with its home city government to use the company's technology to create an online system for house rentals. 我国科技巨头阿里巴巴与其总部所在城市政府签订协议,利用该公司技术创建一个房屋租赁网上系统。 The system will cover apartments put up for rent from all sources - the government, individuals, real estate developers and agents. 该系统将覆盖来自政府、个人、房屋开发商和中介等的所有出租房源。 People seeking rental housing in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, will be able to use the application and website created by Alibaba for every stage in the process, from searching for apartments to signing contracts and payment. 从找房源,到签约,再到付款,浙江杭州的求租者在租房的每一步都将可以使用阿里巴巴创建的这一应用和网站。 Information on apartments, user reviews, and credibility ratings of owners, renters and agents will all be shared, said Han Junqing, director of Hangzhou Real Estate Registration Center. 杭州市房产交易产权登记管理中心主任韩君卿称,房屋本身、租客评价、房东信用评级、租客和中介等信息都将在平台分享。 The smart house renting platform, as it is called, will be supported by Alibaba's big data, online payment technology, and commerce credit system and can prevent fraudulent deals, sources with the government and Alibaba said. 来自政府和阿里巴巴的知情人士称,"智慧住房租赁平台"将由阿里巴巴的大数据、在线支付技术和商业信用体系作支撑,可以防止欺诈交易。 China's housing rental market in major cities has been dominated by real estate agents, and fraud and disputes are not unusual. 中国大城市的租房市场一直被房屋中介垄断,欺诈和纠纷十分常见。 Though some big real estate companies already have apps, the information is not shared with others. 虽然一些大型房产公司已经开发自己的应用程序,但是互相之间的信息并不共享。 Apartment seekers have to repeatedly compare offers from different apps, and these companies lack a mature credit system comparable to Zhima Credit from Alibaba subsidiary Ant Financial. 租房者必须重复地比较不同的应用程序上的租房信息,而且这些公司并没有阿里巴巴旗下蚂蚁金服芝麻信用体系这么真实准确的信用系统。 The Chinese government is prioritising the development of its rental market to rein in runaway home prices in the country's big cities. Hangzhou is among the first 12 cities chosen by the central government to take bold reforms to boost the rental market. 为控制大城市日益增长的房价,中国政府正优先发展租赁市场。杭州被列入全国首批12个开展住房租赁试点的城市之一。