共享宝马来了! 每公里仅需花费1.5元

共享宝马来了! 每公里仅需花费1.5元

2017-09-23    01'46''

主播: 20103381

40 0

After seeing the huge popularity of China's shared bicycle startups, a brand-new company in China is rolling out BMWs that you access with your phone and then pay for per kilometer. 在目睹共享单车在中国大受欢迎之后,中国一家新型公司推出了“共享宝马”,你只要用手机扫一扫,按公里数付钱就可以了。 After a returnable deposit of US$150 made through the service's mobile app, it costs just US$0.25 per kilometer to drive off in one of the new, blue BMW 1-series sedans. 在通过手机应用程序缴纳约150美元的押金之后,用户就可以以每公里0.25美元的价格驾驶一辆崭新的蓝色宝马一系轿车了。 Not much is known about the company behind this, reports Ebrun, except that it's named Hongyang Shared Cars, and was established last month in Beijing. It has an Android app, but not one for iPhones. 据亿邦动力报道,推出共享宝马的这家公司名为“弘扬共享汽车”,于上个月刚刚在北京成立,除此之外便无太多关于该公司的信息。 The blue BMWs can only be driven in Shenyang, the northeastern Chinese city of 8 million people where the service was launched with a claimed 1,500 cars – all of which are from the Hongyang Shared Cars. 目前,这种蓝色宝马车只能在沈阳市驾驶。这座中国东北部的城市约有八百万人口,目前投放的1500辆汽车全部来自“弘扬共享汽车”公司。 The car can be left anywhere in the city once you're done using it. 当你使用完毕之后,该车辆可在沈阳市任意停放。 Germany's luxury automakers are cautiously trying out their own car sharing services, though their efforts have largely focused on a handful of US cities. 这一德国的豪华汽车制造商,目前正尝试推出自己的共享汽车服务,但是他们的目标客户主要来自于美国各大城市。