家电巨头瞄准共享手机 iPhone一天仅需9.9元

家电巨头瞄准共享手机 iPhone一天仅需9.9元

2017-09-24    01'50''

主播: 20103381

318 0

Mobile rental is heating up under the context of shared economy. 在共享经济的大环境下,手机租赁行业正在升温。 Customers can rent a new iPhone for one year at the cost of 9.9 yuan a day, but owing to some concerns, this business is attracting fewer customers than expected, Beijing Daily reported. 据《新京报》报道,消费者可以以每天9.9元的价格租用一年的苹果手机,不过出于某些担心,这项业务吸引的顾客少于预期。 Gome, a home appliance giant, recently announced that over 1,600 stores in China have officially started a smartphone rental service. Customers can rent an iPhone 7 (32G) for a whole year for 300 yuan ($45) a month. 国内家电巨头国美日前宣布,在中国的1600多家门店已正式启动智能手机出租业务。顾客每月只需花费300元(45美元),就可以租用一年的苹果7(32G)手机。 The policy was made according to a big data research, which shows customers change their mobile phones every 17 months on average. 这一策略是基于相关的统计数据而制定的。该数据显示,消费者平均每17个月要更换一次他们的手机。 Renting a phone enables users to experience the latest phone at a lower cost, a Gome staff in charge of the service told Beijing Daily. 国美电器一位负责手机租赁业务的员工向《新京报》透露,该业务使得消费者能以一个较低的成本,享受到最新款的手机。 An insider said that smart phone rental has a large market, but it is better to focus on those who cannot afford a one-off payment and those who like to frequently change their phone. 一位业内人士称,智能手机租赁有巨大的市场,但最好是聚焦在那些无法一次性付款、以及那些喜欢频繁更换手机的人。 Mobile phone rental is still in the incubation stage. With proper operation, this new service will not only reduce waste, but also become a good investment choice, the analyst said. 这位分析师表示,手机租赁市场仍在初生期。只要恰当运作,这项新业务不仅能减少浪费,还能成为一个很好的投资选择。