南航食堂现智能'黑科技' 打饭显示营养和热量

南航食堂现智能'黑科技' 打饭显示营养和热量

2017-10-23    01'12''

主播: 20103381

23 0

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics recently equipped its student cafeterias with a futuristic technology. 近日,南京航空航天大学为其学生食堂配备了一项先进技术。 The newly upgraded cashier system displays nutrition facts and calorie counts when students pay for their meals. 学生们付饭费时,最新升级的结算系统会显示营养成分和卡路里量。 When students pay their meals, the nutrition facts and calorie counts of each dish, such as protein and fat content, is displayed. 当学生支付餐费时,每道菜的营养成分和卡路里含量,如蛋白质和脂肪含量,就会显示在屏幕上。 The trays in the cafeterias have also been implanted with chips, so that prices can be identified in 2 seconds. 食堂里的餐盘也已被植入芯片,只需两秒即可识别价格。 "It saves us time and helps us understand what we're eating," a student said. 一名学生表示:“它可以为我们节省时间,帮助我们监控自己每天吃了些什么。” The person in charge of the university's catering noted the new smart system is welcomed by both teachers and students. 南航饮食服务相关负责人表示,新的智能系统受到了师生们的好评。 It will soon be able to push individually customized exercise information to students' smartphones, the official added. 该负责人还称,不久该系统将可向学生的智能手机推送个性化的运动信息。