北上广白领城市归属感较低 无房和生活压力是主因

北上广白领城市归属感较低 无房和生活压力是主因

2017-10-23    01'35''

主播: 20103381

26 0

A new report issued by recruitment website zhaopin.com said white–collar workers who live in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai don't quite feel they belong to the city. 招聘网站智联招聘发布的一份新报告称,居住在北京、上海等一线城市的白领的归属感不强。 Meanwhile, people who work in Chongqing identify most closely to the place, followed by Changsha and Shenyang. 而在重庆工作的人归属感最强,其次是长沙和沈阳的白领。 Cities such as Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen score quite low on the "belonging" index. 广州、北京、上海和深圳等城市在“归属感”指数上得分很低。 More than 50% of respondents said the inability to purchase property makes it the top reason why they feel no sense of belonging. 超半数的受访者称不能购买房产是他们没有归属感的首要原因。 Half said they feel unwelcomed due to the high living cost and huge pressure. 半数受访者称生活成本高昂、压力大令他们感到不受欢迎。 Moreover, lack of life partners (33.6%), parents not around (33.3%), unable to blend into local culture (19.2%) and having no local household registration (11.2%) are other reasons contributing to the issue of lack of sense of belonging. 此外,导致人们没有归属感的其它原因还包括“没有另一半(33.6%)”、“父母不在身边(33.3%)”、“无法融入当地文化环境(19.2%)”以及“没有当地户口(11.2%)”。 The study interviewed 24,390 respondents and the participants came from various industries. 这份研究共采访了来自各行各业的24390名受访者。