

2017-10-22    02'16''

主播: 20103381

60 0

Liyuan Library in Beijing, known as one of China's most beautiful bookstores, hit the spotlight after an online article said it was filled with pirated books. 在网上一篇文章称其充满盗版书之后,被誉为中国最美图书馆、位于北京的篱苑书屋,于日前成为了焦点。 The article published in an official account on the WeChat said some books claimed to be collections by authors such as Yu Qiuyu and Guo Jingming were from a publisher that actually doesn't exist. 这篇发布在某个微信公众号上的文章称,其中一些据称是余秋雨和郭敬明等作家的藏书,其出版社实际上并不存在。 Pan Xi, manager of Liyuan Library, said she never thought pirated books would end up in the bookstore until reading the online article. 篱苑书屋的负责人潘希称,直到读到这篇文章,她才知道书屋里有这么多的盗版书。 She also said about 70 percent of the books were donated by readers and the bookstore may have overlooked the copyright issue. 她还表示,约70%的书都是读者捐赠的,书屋可能忽视了版权问题。 The bookstore, only open from April to October, mainly relies on volunteers to help sort books. 这家书屋每年只在4月到10月开放,主要依靠志愿者帮忙整理书籍。 Pan added the bookstore stopped accepting reader donations two years ago because of quality concerns and now mainly collects books itself or through volunteers. 潘希还表示,出于对质量的担心,书屋自两年前开始已不接受读者捐书了。现在主要是书屋自己或者是通过志愿者收集。 Nestled in mountains of Huairou on the outskirts of Beijing, Liyuan Library is ideal for escaping crowded urban life in Beijing. 座落在京郊怀柔区山野之中的篱苑书屋,是逃离北京繁华的大都市生活的世外桃源。 The most striking part of the 170-square-meter structure is its exterior walls and roof covered with 40,000 firewood sticks. 这座170平米的建筑,最引人注目的部分便是它的外墙和覆盖着4万根柴禾棒的屋顶。 The building was one of the winning designs in the 2013 Architecture of Necessity competition in Sweden and was designed by Li Xiaodong, a Chinese architect and professor at Tsinghua University. 它是2013年瑞典建筑实用奖的获奖设计作品之一,由清华大学教授、中国建筑师李晓东负责设计。