调查显示 超六成受访者喜欢在压力小的城市生活

调查显示 超六成受访者喜欢在压力小的城市生活

2017-10-21    01'14''

主播: 20103381

7 0

A survey has found that 61.3% of people prefer small cities with less pressure and more comfort, while 35.5% prefer big cities with higher pressure, but more opportunities. 一项调查发现,61.3%的人更喜欢压力小、舒适度高的小城市,而35.5%的人则更青睐压力大但机会更多的大城市。 The survey was based on the answers of 2,004 respondents. 这项调查基于的是2004名受访者的回答。 The top three factors affecting satisfaction in city life were listed as level of consumption, social security and income level, according to the survey. 该调查称,消费水平、社会保障和收入水平被列为影响城市生活满意度的三大因素。 These were followed by housing price, air quality and natural environment, and public order. 排在之后的因素则是房价、空气质量和自然环境以及社会治安。 "Satisfaction in life is close to the connotation of what people usually call 'happiness,'" Yao Yongling, economics professor at Renmin University of China, said. 中国人民大学经济学教授姚永玲表示:“生活满意度接近于人们通常所说的‘幸福’的含义。” "Each person has his or her own requirements for happiness. They have to choose a suitable residence by taking into consideration their own preferences and life and career plan." “每个人对‘幸福’的要求不同。人们要根据自己的喜好和人生职业规划来选择合适的居住地。”