

2017-11-09    01'36''

主播: 20103381

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China has the largest number of unicorn startups outside the US, with four Chinese unicorns rounding the top 10 globally in terms of valuation, a report said. 一份报告称,中国是拥有独角兽创业公司第二多的国家,仅次于美国,四家中国独角兽的估值跻身全球前十。 According to the report from global consulting firm CB Insights, China is home to 55 unicorns - private companies valued at more than $1 billion each - among 214 unicorns worldwide. 根据这份由全球咨询公司CB Insights发布的报告,在全球214家独角兽公司中,有55家来自中国。独角兽是指估值超过10亿美元的私人公司。 In terms of valuation, US-based Uber tops the world with a valuation of $68 billion. 从估值来看,美国公司优步以680亿美元的估值居全球第一。 China's ride-hailing platform Didi Chuxing follows with a valuation of $50 billion, while Chinese smartphone vendor Xiaomi is the third largest unicorn . 中国叫车平台滴滴出行以500亿美元的估值位列第二,中国智能手机供应商小米以460亿美元的估值成为第三大独角兽。 China's Lu.com, valued at $18.5 billion, takes eighth place while Meituan-Dianping, a Chinese food-delivery company, is the ninth largest unicorn with a valuation of $18 billion. 估值185亿美元的中企陆金所位居第八,中国食品外卖公司新美大是第九大独角兽,估值为180亿美元。 The US still holds the lead in the unicorn race by accounting for over half of global total unicorns while China and India follow as second and third, making up 25% and 4% of the total, respectively. 美国的独角兽数量占全球总数的一半以上,依然保持着在独角兽竞赛中的领先地位;中国和印度分别以25%和4%的占比排在二、三位。