全国白领平均月薪达7599元 北京居首

全国白领平均月薪达7599元 北京居首

2017-11-16    01'49''

主播: 20103381

7 1

A report by China's recruitment website Zhaopin.com shows that the average monthly salary of white-collar employees in 37 cities had reached 7,599 yuan ($1,147), a slight year-on-year growth of 3 percent. 由中国招聘网站智联招聘发布的一份报告显示,37个城市的白领的平均月薪已达到7599元(约1147美元),同比小幅增长3%。 The report is based on data from job offers and seekers published on the website this autumn. 该报告是基于雇主和求职者今年秋季发布在该网站上的数据得出的。 Beijing leads other cities with a monthly salary of 9,000 yuan, followed by Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hangzhou. 北京以月薪9000元领先其它城市,紧随其后的是上海、深圳和杭州。 Haikou City in South China's Hainan Province has seen the biggest rise in rank, from 13th to 7th. 位于中国南部海南省的海口市的排名上升幅度最大,从第13名来到了第7名。 The ratio between supply and demand of human resources was 30.4, meaning that on average, more than 30 applicants have been competing for one position in those cities. 人才供需之间的比率是30.4,这意味着这些城市平均30多个申请者竞争一个岗位。 Beijing remained No. 1 and Shenzhen No. 2 in terms of competition index, with Shenyang in Liaoning Province surpassing Chengdu and Shanghai to become No. 3. 就该竞争指数而言,北京仍高居第1,深圳则为第2名,而辽宁省沈阳市超越成都和上海,成为第3名。 The report also shows that senior managers enjoyed the highest average salary, at 20,019 yuan a month, while IT or project managers took second place with 14,127 yuan, and those working in legal and compliance fields earned 9,252 yuan. 该报告还显示,高级管理人员平均工资最高,为每月20019元,IT/项目经理则凭借每月14127元位居第2名,而那些在法律和合规领域工作的人则每月平均赚9252元。