海航实业股份拟更名为CWT International

海航实业股份拟更名为CWT International

2017-11-17    01'39''

主播: 20103381

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HNA Holding Group, the Hong Kong-listed unit of the eponymous acquisitive Chinese conglomerate with a complex ownership structure, is planning to remove any trace of its parent from its name. 在香港上市的海航实业集团股份有限公司(HNA Holding Group)计划从公司名称中抹去其母公司的所有痕迹。海航实业股份的母公司海航集团(HNA Group)是一家所有权结构复杂、热衷于收购的中国综合性企业。 In a weekend filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange, the Hong Kong subsidiary of HNA Holdings proposed changing its name to CWT International Limited – that of the Singaporean logistics company it acquired in November. 在周末提交给香港交易所(HKEx)的文件中,海航实业股份提出把公司名称更改为“CWT International Limited”,后者是海航实业股份去年11月收购的一家新加坡物流公司的名称。 HNA Holding Group said its board believes the change “will better reflect and align with the business and development strategy of the Group.” 海航实业股份称,董事会认为更改公司名称“将更能反映及符合集团的业务及发展策略”。 Founded as a provincial airline by economic reformers who drew on World Bank support, the parent of Hainan Airlines has grown into a sprawling, privately held international conglomerate. A $40bn deal spree has seen it build up a 9.9 per cent stake in Deutsche Bank, but regulators in China have clamped down on the company, most recently barring it from accessing capital or financing from an insurance unit it controls. 海南航空(Hainan Airlines)是经济改革者利用世界银行(World Bank)的支持创立的一家地方性航空公司。如今,海航已发展成为一家业务繁多的非上市跨国综合性企业。它曾掀起一波金额达400亿美元的并购狂潮,包括购得德意志银行(Deutsche Bank) 9.9%的股份。但中国监管机构已对海航进行了打压,最近禁止它从它控股的一家保险公司获取资金或进行融资。