甩肉还能拿学分 南京一大学为学生开设减肥课

甩肉还能拿学分 南京一大学为学生开设减肥课

2017-11-18    01'40''

主播: 20103381

16 1

A course offered at a university in East China will link students' weight loss directly to their marks in a bid to curb student obesity. 中国东部一所大学开设的一门课程,将会把学生的减肥情况与学分直接相关联,以此来控制学生的肥胖问题。 The course from Zhou Quanfu, teacher at the Nanjing Agricultural University in Jiangsu province, aims to encourage overweight students to control their diets and increase their exercise. 这门课程是由江苏省的南京农业大学周全富老师发起的,旨在鼓励超重的同学控制饮食并且加强锻炼。 Zhou said 60 percent of a student's grade will be determined by their weight loss. If they shed 7 percent of their original weight, they can pass the course. 周老师称,学生成绩的60%将取决于他们减重情况。如果在原体重的基础上减重7%,他们就可以通过该课程。 According to a student who declined to give her real name, the students run on treadmills in the school's fitness room and walk 10 kilometers every Monday and Friday evening. 一位不愿意透露姓名的同学表示,同学们会在每周一和周五晚上在健身房的跑步机上跑10公里。 Every Wednesday afternoon, the teacher leads them on a mountain-climbing excursion. 每周三的下午,老师还会带领同学登山。 "We use mobile apps to record daily food intake," said the student. Before eating, they send photos of their food via a mobile app for suggestions from nutritionists. 该学生称:“我们用手机软件来记录每天摄入的食物。”在吃饭前,他们会通过手机软件将他们食物的照片发给营养师,以征求有关建议。 According to Zhou, only students with more than 30 percent body fat or a body mass index over 28 can sign up for the course. 据周老师表示,只有体重超标30%的学生或者是身体质量指数超过28的学生才可以选这门课程。