为中国打call! 全球过半家电为中国制造!

为中国打call! 全球过半家电为中国制造!

2017-11-19    01'20''

主播: 20103381

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More than half of the world's home appliances are made in China, data from a South Korean industry report showed. 韩国一份产业报告书的数据显示,全世界过半家用电器为中国制造。 China has made 423.18 million major home appliances this year, making up 56.2% of the 752.84 million produced worldwide, according to the report. 报告书指出,今年主要家电产品的全球生产量为75284万台,其中中国制造的产品达42318万台,占比为56.2%。 The report forecasts the global figure could increase by as much as 1.7% over the next year. 该报告预测称,这一全球数字在未来一年可能会增长1.7%。 Air purifiers in particular tend to be made in China, which has produced 23.9 million units this year and occupies a projected 96.7% market share. 空气净化器是中国制造的可能性尤其高。中国今年已生产2390万台空气净化器,市场占有率预计达96.7%。 By 2020, annual production growth of air purifiers will average 5%, the fastest among all appliances. 到2020年,空气净化器的年平均生产增长率将达5%,是所有家电中增速最快的。 China also has the largest market for major appliances, with air conditioning commanding a 42.2% share of the global market. 此外,中国还拥有最大的主要家电产品市场,其空调市场占全球市场42.2%的份额。