当不成总统改做教授? 希拉里或赴哥伦比亚大学任教

当不成总统改做教授? 希拉里或赴哥伦比亚大学任教

2017-11-24    01'19''

主播: 20103381

19 1

Hillary Clinton is testing the waters on a return to academia. 希拉里·克林顿正尝试回归学术界。 The former US secretary of state is in talks with Columbia University to take on a formal role at the Ivy League - and potentially house her archives there, according to multiple sources. 多位知情人士称,这位美国前国务卿正与常春藤联盟院校哥伦比亚大学洽谈在该校正式任职一事,还可能将她的档案保存在哥大。 One option under discussion is an esteemed "university professor" role that would allow Clinton to lecture across a range of schools and departments without the requirement of a strict course load, one source said. 一位消息人士称,讨论中的一个方案是授予希拉里颇有分量的“大学教授”头衔,这将使她可在多个院系授课且没有严格的授课量要求。 A former law professor, Clinton could maintain the vaunted but vague role indefinitely or decide at a later date she wants to settle at Columbia's celebrated law school or maybe the School of International and Public Affairs, the source said. 该消息人士称,曾任法学教授的希拉里可以无限期地保有这一倍受追捧但定位模糊的职位,或在日后决定自己想"驻扎"在哥大著名的法学院抑或是国际与公共事务学院任教。 "No decisions have been made, but there are talks," a different source with knowledge of Clinton's thinking said. 另一位了解希拉里想法的消息人士称:“双方正在讨论相关事宜,但尚未做出决定。” "She's trying to figure out what she wants to do. It could end up with the papers at one place and she has some sort of faculty role at another. She hasn't quite come to a decision," the source said. 这名消息人士表示:“希拉里正试图弄清自己想做的事。最终可能她的档案放在一个地方、她在另一个地方扮演类似教师的角色。希拉里还没有拿定主意。”