京东正式进军房地产市场 覆盖超20座城市

京东正式进军房地产市场 覆盖超20座城市

2017-11-25    01'34''

主播: 20103381

19 1

JD.com Inc, China's second-biggest internet retailer, is launching a new site on its online platform targeting property buyers in association with leading developers. 我国国内第二大网络零售商京东联合领先的房地产开发商,在其网络平台上启动了一个以购房者为目标群体的新站点。 The company said it would integrate online and offline real estate businesses by creating a one-stop service platform. 京东称,将通过打造一站式服务平台,融合线上和线下房地产业务。 Currently there are 82 property sellers and 35 service providers on the platform, covering 2,027 projects in more than 20 cities, according to JD.com. 据京东介绍,目前已有82家房地产销售商和35家服务商入驻该平台,涵盖20多个城市的2027个项目。 Apart from the housing sales market, JD.com also has entered the housing rental sector. 除了房屋销售市场,京东还进入了房屋租赁领域。 A subsidiary affiliated to JD.com won a bid from the Beijing housing rental supervision platform to provide technical support. 京东旗下一家分公司中标了北京市租房监管平台项目,为其提供技术支持。 Another e-commerce giant, Alibaba Group, also has entered the country's housing rental market. 另一家电商巨头阿里巴巴集团也已进入我国的租房市场。 Alibaba signed an agreement with Hangzhou city government in August to use the company's technology to create an online system for house rentals in the city. 阿里巴巴和杭州市政府于8月签署协议,将利用该公司的技术在该市打造一个在线房屋租赁系统。