意大利一座小镇倒贴2000欧元 只求有人入住!

意大利一座小镇倒贴2000欧元 只求有人入住!

2017-11-28    01'16''

主播: 20103381

32 2

The mayor of a picturesque Italian town has come up with a novel solution in tackling its dwindling population figure - by paying people to move there. 意大利一个风景如画的小镇的镇长,为解决该镇人口日益减少的问题,提出了一个新颖的解决办法,即付钱请人们移居到这里。 Nicola Gatta wants to return Candela, a small medieval town in Puglia, to its former glories when there were more than 8,000 residents in its Nineties heyday. 镇长尼古拉·加塔希望能重振小镇过去的辉煌,位于普列利亚区的坎德拉是一个中世纪小镇,在90年代鼎盛时期,居民曾多达8000余人。 Today, however, thanks to a troubled economy, there are just 2,700 people remaining in the town. 然而,因为经济不景气,如今小镇只有2700名居民。 Therefore, the mayor is offering up to 2,000 euros in an attempt to entice people to move to the area and boost population. 因此,镇长提供高达2000欧元的奖励,试图吸引人们搬到该地区并促进人口增长。 In order to qualify for the cash incentive, new residents must move to Candela where they rent a house and have a job with a salary of at least 7,500 euros per year. 为符合获得现金奖励的资格,新居民必须搬到坎德拉小镇租房,拥有年薪至少7500欧元的工作。 According to the mayor, six families from northern Italy have already settled in and another five have applied to move. 据这位镇长表示,意大利北部的六个家庭已经搬来定居,另有五个家庭已申请移居。