

2017-11-29    01'26''

主播: 20103381

25 1

China Railway Corp, the national rail operator, launched research on a new bullet train in Shanghai. 全国铁路运营商中国铁路总公司近日在上海启动有关新型动车的研制工作。 The new model, which belongs to the Fuxing bullet train family, will be developed mainly based on China's railway standards and technologies. It will travel at a speed of 250 km per hour. 该新车型属于“复兴号”动车组家族,将主要基于中国铁路标准和技术研制,时速250公里。 According to the company's blueprint, a series of new bullet train models in the Fuxing family will be developed to adapt to various environments, reducing manufacturing and operation costs, and improving energy conservation. 根据中国铁路总公司的规划,该公司将研制一系列适应不同环境需求的复兴号动车组家族的新车型,降低生产运行成本、提高节能效果。 Compared with the in-service Harmony bullet trains, the new models use less energy and feature less noise, as well as a longer service life. 与现役的“和谐号”动车组相比,新车型将更节能、更静音、使用寿命更长。 Companies, including CSR Qingdao Sifang Co and CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co, have submitted technology designs for the new model. 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司和中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司等公司已经递交了新车型的技术方案。 The Fuxing bullet train, literally translated as "rejuvenation", is a bullet train model China developed on its own and put into operation in September. “复兴号”动车组,字面上翻译为“复兴”,是中国自主研发的高速列车,并于今年9月投入运营。 The current Fuxing bullet train runs between Beijing and Shanghai at the speed of 350 km per hour, making it world's fastest train service. 目前“复兴号”动车组在京沪之间,以时速350公里的速度运营,为世界上最快的列车服务。