互联网教育受欢迎 催生新职业'网师'

互联网教育受欢迎 催生新职业'网师'

2017-11-30    01'52''

主播: 20103381

37 2

China's live streaming boom has not only swept the entertainment industry but also contributed to the online education field, with top online teachers enjoying an annual income of over one million yuan. 中国的在线直播热潮不仅横扫娱乐产业,还推动了在线教育领域的发展,顶级在线教师年收入超过100万元。 Dubbed "iTeachers", these teachers have become known as "intellectual online celebrities." 这些教师被称作“网师”,即所谓的“知识网红”。 Though personal incomes vary between individuals, iTeachers are commonly better paid than their counterparts in regular schools. They share their lessons online and set their prices themselves. 虽然个体之间收入存在差异,但网师的收入普遍高于传统学校的教师。他们在网上分享自己的课程,自行定价。 Online courses cover a wide range of topics, including foreign languages, math, literature, science, painting, music and cooking. 在线课程的主题五花八门,包括外语、数学、文学、科学、绘画、音乐和烹饪等。 Training for the civil service entrance exam, postgraduate qualification exam and even marathon preparation are also available. 公务员考试、研究生入学考试甚至备跑马拉松相关的培训也能在网上找到。 In the past, online education involved a teacher uploading a lesson. Now iTeachers are more likely to broadcast their lessons to achieve better class interaction. 过去,在线教育是以教师上传课件的方式进行。如今网师们更倾向于直播授课,以达到更好的课堂互动。 Teachers and students are now able to hear and see each other. They can write on a shared "blackboard" and students might even "raise hands" to ask questions. 教师和学生可以看见对方、听见对方说话,可以在共享的“黑板”上写字,学生甚至能“举手”提问。 China's online education industry is predicted to continue to grow in the next three years and may hit a market value of 371.8 billion yuan in 2019, according to Chinese think tank Analysys. 国内智库易观国际表示,预计未来三年中国的在线教育产业将继续增长,到2019年其市场交易规模或达到3718亿元。