

2014-09-08    07'37''

主播: Andy【懶懶】

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这是一个黑夜的孩子,沉浸于冬天,倾心死亡,不能自拔,热爱着空虚而寒冷的乡村,大风从东刮到西,从北刮向南,无视黎明与黑暗,你所说的曙光究竟是什么意思---海子 很久以前就喜欢看海子的诗,每每看完他的诗后心里的疼痛,海子我是最喜爱的诗人之一,他的诗歌给予了我很多温暖。儿时特崇拜他的死,现在才明白有时死也是一种幸福。海子一直渴望在尘世间获得幸福,渴望过上远离尘世喧嚣的生活。海子一生都在企图摆脱尘世的羁绊和牵累,所以海子所说的黎明的曙光我终于知道答案了--Andy Facing the ocean, in the warmth of spring with flowers in bloom From tomorrow on, I will be a happy man Feeding the horse, chopping firewood, traveling the world From tomorrow on, I will concern myself with grains and vegetables I will have a house facing the ocean, in the warmth of spring with flowers in bloom From tomorrow on, I will write to each of my loved ones Telling them about my happiness That happiness told to me by the lightning I will tell each and every person I will give each river and each mountain a tender name I will also say a blessing for you, my dear stranger Wishing you a bright future Wishing you everlasting love Wishing you all the happiness on earth I only wish to stand facing the ocean, in the warmth of spring with flowers in bloom 主播简介 Andy,一个孤独忧伤的90后男孩,喜欢文字,特别是忧伤的那种,小的时候特崇拜小四&安宁所谓的80后作家,也酷爱历史、散文,尤其喜欢秋雨先生的《文化苦旅》,他也特别喜欢看美剧。他降临那天,理论上下了场大雪,所以说他一直以来都特别喜欢冬天。非常喜欢静静的夜,喜欢在夜深人静的时候阅读自己喜欢的文字。只有每天晚上和电波对完话才能入睡,喜欢交友,只有家人朋友的健康快乐才是他生命中的信仰!这样的他,你们喜欢吗? 背景音乐: NO1:卡洛儿---write to the ocean NO2:聆听大海的声音