我们这一天♥ S01E01高频口语15句

我们这一天♥ S01E01高频口语15句

2018-04-12    06'56''

主播: 英语101

1054 55

刷剧笔记 This is a low point. 这是我的人生低谷了吧 How did I get here? 怎么落到今天这步田地 Quit feeling sorry for yourself. 别自怨自艾了 I&`&m the best of the best. 我最优秀 You kind of crossed the line. 你有点过分了 I&`&m just trying to lighten up the situation here. 活跃一下气氛 Lose the shirt 脱掉上衣吧 I can&`&t feel my face right now. 我觉得脸都丟尽了 Great working with you. That was a lot of fun. 合作愉快 I can eat like, a thousand of this. (夸张)给我再多这个,我也能吃完 We&`&ll just have the check, please. 买单,谢谢 I&`&m sorry, I&`&m not processing anything. 不好意思,我现在有点茫 I should get going. 我要走了 It&`&s no pressure. 不要有压力 I dont know what to say. -There&`&s nothing to be said. 不知该说什么好。-什么也不必说。