绝望主妇 | 精讲:“高冷”用英语怎么说?

绝望主妇 | 精讲:“高冷”用英语怎么说?

2018-05-17    08'33''

主播: 英语101

1721 54

Mike: Actually I'm glad I ran into you. I just wanted to make sure that things were okay between us. The other day, you seemed kind of distant. Susan: Distant? What do you mean? Mike: I mean you're not mad at me for some reason, are you? Susan: No. No, no, not at all. Mike: Good. So let me take one more shot at this. I've got tickets for a Billy Wilder retrospect, Wednesday night. I'd love to take you with me. Susan: You are so sweet. I would love to go. Mike: (Happy) Alright.