

2018-02-20    02'08''

主播: 我是繁繁繁

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The impossible dream 不会成真的梦 Iris 2016-06-11 20:29:48 To dream the impossible dream 追梦,不会成真的梦 To fight the unbeatable foe 忍受,不能承受的痛 To bear with unbearable sorrow 挑战,不可战胜的敌手 To run where the brave dare not go. 跋涉,无人敢行的路 To right the unrightable wrong 改变,不容撼动的错 To love pure and chaste from afar 仰慕,纯真高洁的心 To try when your arms are too weary 远征,不惧伤痛与疲惫 To reach the unreachable star 去摘,遥不可及的星 This is my quest, to follow that star 敢以此生,求索那颗星 No matter how hopeless, no matter how far 管它征途遥远,道路多险峻 To fight for the right without question or pause 为正义而战,何需踌躇不定 To be willing to march into hell for heavenly cause 哪怕烧灼在地狱火中,也自阔步前行 And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious quest 我若能,为这光辉使命,穷尽一生追寻 That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest 多年后,待到长眠时分,我心亦能安宁 And the world will be better for this 愿人间,由此不同往昔 That one man scorned and covered with scars 纵然我,终将疲倦无力 Still strove with his last ounce of courage 仍要用伤痕累累的双手 To reach the unreachable star. 去摘,遥不可及的星