Apr. 24, 2015 #The World Says# Campus Love 校园爱情

Apr. 24, 2015 #The World Says# Campus Love 校园爱情

2015-04-24    08'53''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

1904 188

E: Hello my dear audience, welcome to the world says. I’m your new friend, Elvis. And here is my partner,Carol. Hello,Carol. C: Good evening, Elvis. How’s your small holiday? E: Great! Well, You know, the weather is warmer and warmer than ever before. So... C:The spring is coming. E: Yeah! The spring is coming. And carol? Do you know the meaning behind the word “spring”? C: Of course I know. When the weather is getting warmer, the winter is going away. We boys and girls will turn off their thick jackets and dressed up in a slight way. And most important thing is, they will begin to look forward to a campus love. E: A sweet love. If they are lucky enough. C: Agree with you. A pretty sweet love actually needs a few luck. You know, I love to update the weibo(微博) sometimes. E:嗯哼~ C: There is a short paragraph and what it says really move me on. E: Really? What’s that? C: When I was young and having what I thought was serious relationship talk with my first real SO, I told her that I just wanted to find the right person. Without missing a beast she said, “Everybody is looking for the right person, and nobody is trying to be the right person.” That stopped me in my track. E:每个人都在寻找人生里对的那个人,但却没有人试着成为对的那个人。 C: So just as you say, a pretty sweet love actually needs a few luck. E: Okay. Let’s make this a program all about campus love, shall we? And I know a lot of campus love stories. Some of them are the stories, which showed in movies, and sometimes there are also lots of beautiful stories surrounded by ourselves. C:你说的是《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》,《匆匆那年》还有《同桌的你》那类电影吗? E: Yes. Ah...By the way, have you watched those movies? C: Of course, I think they are really good ones. But it’s universal to find the story’s ending sad. In another word, the lovers always said good-bye in the end of the movie. E: Wow...I find that, too. That’s too bad. C:所以,校园恋情有着太多的不确定性了。 E: But, carol, you can’t deny its pretty beauty. And so many people remember their campus love forever. C: So we still look forward to our campus love. E: To welcome the”spring”. C: Well,well. E:你知道吗?Carol, 其实,也有一些虽然没有结果但是却很有趣的校园“恋情”。 C: Wow, funny and interesting love stories? E: Ha ha...ah...a question. If a boy says that you are fat, what’s your reaction? C: Go to the hell. If it is possible, a punch may be better. E: Well, a girl called Manning from The Oxford University had suffered from the situation. When she was a junior middle school student, the boy called her fat. And his friend also talked a lot about her weight. C: Oh my god, they are really wicked. E: So the girl remembered him, and she started to lose her weight. Then seven years later, in a beautiful evening, they meet at a party. C: Did the girl bite him? E: No! In fact, the boy can’t recognize of her. She changed a lot! C: Wow, then how does Manning revenge the boy? E: Ha ha,她放了这个讨厌的男生鸽子,并且给他写了一封嘲讽的信,最后,Manning 把这一切都放在了她的脸书上,这条状态收到了1.7万个赞。 C: Bravo! E: So, boys, never laugh at the girl surrounded by you. C: 女大十八变,千万别急着打自己的脸。 E: A belle! C: Ha ha, At last, we heartily hope you can take a happy spring! E: Expect you can get a beautiful girl friend or boyfriend. C: This is all for today ‘s program. E: Thanks for listening. C&E: Bye~