[往期回顾] Dec. 14, 2013 #Campus Interview# 采访外教 Michael Qintain

[往期回顾] Dec. 14, 2013 #Campus Interview# 采访外教 Michael Qintain

2017-03-09    08'40''

主播: VOE~感谢沈农idea精英汇

666 123

Sheldon: Hello, I’ m Sheldon. Welcome to Campus Interview of VOE Station Latisha: 大家好,我是费丹力,欢迎收听本期的校园访谈录。今天来到我们演播室的是来自我校外语教学部的美籍英语教师Michael Qintain。下面让我们一起来谈谈有关语言学习的经验和方法。 Sheldon: Now we&`&re here with Michael who comes from the United States and now works at the Foreign Language Teaching Department of our school. And we&`&re to talk to him about experiences and methods of learning English. Michael: Hi I’m Michael. Happy to be in here. I come from the United States. Latisha: 你好Michael,欢迎来到VOE外文广播电台。在美国,人们也都热衷于学习外语吗? Michael: Although it varies by location, most universities offer a foreign-language curriculum. Sheldon: Well, How do they learn English, or other languages?. Michael: In the past, much emphasis was put on grammar. The new trend tends towards natural methods of language acquisition, such as role play, in which the students become very proactive in the language acquisition process. Latisha: 的确,角色扮演是一个不错的学习外语的方法。那么,你觉得我们通过收听电台节目来学习外语的这个方法怎么样呢? Michael: Listening to TV or radio is a great tool in learning language. I recommend listening to favorite channels and stations with pad and pen and write down any interesting words or phrases. Songs are a great way to expand your knowledge linguistically. That is why children learn songs. They inculcate the linguistic patterns of the language, naturally, without effort. Sheldon: What do you think of the VOE broadcasting station? Do you find it to be a useful platform to improve English language skills? Michael: Yes, I think it is useful because it makes students and teachers aware of what other valuable members of the community are thinking, and together we can make a positive change. As for the individuals that work at the station, I have found you to be extremely cordial and helpful. The VOE broadcasting station is incontestably an excellent platform to improve English language skills. It is good for those who are preparing the materials to be broadcast, as well as for the participants and listeners. Latisha: 哇,看来你还是挺了解外文电台的工作嘛,的确,电台是一个展示自我的平台,我们的播音员会在播音的过程中潜移默化地提升自己的外语水平以及其他多项综合能力,例如稿件的选择、节目的设计与搭档的配合等等。那么除此之外你觉得电台还会给我们带来什么样的益处呢? Michael: The other benefits are that the station provides a forum for discussion, a place for like-minded people to come and socialize, and a voice for the student body at Shenyang Agricultural University. Sheldon: I understand that you were a judge at the First Postgraduate English Public Speaking Contest of Shenyang Agriculture University on November 30th. What are your thoughts about the contest? Could you comment a little on the English proficiency of our contestants? Michael: I loved the competition. I really enjoy seeing what the students have to offer. No matter the proficiency level, the most important thing is to have fun making an effort. The competition is a great forum to elicit the very best out of each student. When we try at something, we begin to realize our fullest potential. The proficiency of the students ranged from average to excellent. The aspects that need most work with certain students are pronunciation and grammar. Several students had excellent pronunciation, and a fewer number were able to showcase good grammar skills. That said, I was impressed with everyone’s efforts. It took courage to get on that stage, and you wonderful participants made my day a very pleasant one. Never give up. Latisha: 看来你对各位参赛选手的评价还是蛮高的嘛。Sheldon相信你作为大赛的英文男主持也收获良多吧?(yes definitely, All the contestants are brilliant. And I have learned that how to express myself in English more naturally)。嗯,真羡慕你啊!那么,Michael您对本次大赛和各位选手还有什么意见或建议吗? Michael: Future contestants, make it a game. If you have the mentality of having fun, you will be less likely to be nervous. Forget it’s a competition. Forget about the audience. Forget about the judges. Sheldon: Yes, you’re right. Just be relaxed and enjoy the contest. And then maybe I&`&m going to ask you some personal questions. First one is What made you decide to come to China? Michael: I had a job opportunity to work at this university, Shenyang Agricultural University. What’s more is that I love culture, travel and languages. Sheldon: Yeah, I love culture and travel too. And the another question is What do you think of us Chinese students? Michael: Chinese students are awesome! They rock! The students have been so kind and helpful. They are a large part of the reason why I know I made an excellent decision in accepting to teach here at Shenyang Agricultural University. Latisha: 嗯,我也看出你非常喜欢中国学生啊,跟您聊天真是太有意思了,但是我们的节目时间有限。最后还是想问一个中国大学生都比较关注的问题:您作为一个English native speaker对中国学生学习英语有什么建议吗? Michael: When you undertake learning a foreign language, make it fun. What is fun is never boring. It is also important to keep at it, and progress will come like a rising sun. Reading interesting books and listening to favorite songs will help you make breakthroughs. I suggest also that you keep a journal of new expressions. Review them in your spare time. Last, use what you know. The more you use what you know, the more the linguistic patterns and new words and phrases will become natural and spontaneous. Sheldon: Well, we are so glad to talk with you today, thank you very much Michael: Thank you very much, thank you, my pleasure Latisha: 再次感谢Michael的到来,相信大家对英语学习都有了一个新的认识。希望我们的节目对大家的英语学习能够起到一定的帮助,如果大家有什么意见或建议欢迎联系我们。 Latisha: 感谢记者周熠,编辑金楷宁。下期再见。 Sheldon: We are looking for you. Goodbye. 节目监制:刘子含 编辑:周 熠 刘子含 播音:刘子含 费丹力 制作:金楷宁 刘子含 记者:周 熠