37.Environmental protection

37.Environmental protection

2017-08-23    08'42''

主播: 小叮当之英语学习

232 9

海平面上升 sea level rise 森林砍伐 deforestation 生态恶化 deterioration of the ecosystem 物种灭绝 extinction of bio-species 臭氧层破坏 damage to the ozone layer 温室效应 green-house effect 酸雨 acid rain 土地沙漠化 desertification 水土流失 soil erosion 生物多样化 biodiversity 野生动植物 wildlife species 高等植物 higher plant 自然保护区 nature reserve 珍稀濒危物种 rare and endangered species 任重而道远 There is a grand task to perform and a long way to go. ✪ω✪ See you~