艾伯特 霍夫曼 意识&神秘体验 Albert Hofmann,Jonathan Ott Consciousness&Mystical

艾伯特 霍夫曼 意识&神秘体验 Albert Hofmann,Jonathan Ott Consciousness&Mystical

2017-03-25    21'53''

主播: 小白象在树上

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艾伯特·霍夫曼,瑞士化学家。 霍夫曼出生于1906年1月11日,在苏黎世大学接受了高等教育,他的主要研究方向为动物及植物结构内的化学成分,在蟹壳质的研究上获得重大成果而得到博士学位,后加入制药研究部门,从事于研究真菌、麦角等生物内部成分对幻觉产生的原因。 维基百科 96-yr old Albert Hofmann, Jonathan Ott on Consciousness & Mystical Experience [2002] *sorry,无音频字幕提供 From 'Hofmann's Potion' https://youtu.be/DqPgfRenX80 Albert Hofmann: "I think that the possibility to have psychedelic experience is inborn. These psychedelics - very similar compounds are in our brain; of all the compounds which you find in the plant kingdom only the psychedelics are so closely related chemically to these brain factors, which we already have. We speak about the paradise of childhood. When I had this vision and beautiful experience as a child, this is no wonder, because we have these compounds already in our brain." Myron Stolaroff: "I feel very indebted to Albert Hoffman for inventing LSD. After my first LSD-experience I claimed that this was the greatest discovery that man had ever made, because after all the human mind is the most important attribute we have, and this lets us understand our mind and the enormous potential of mind." www.ouramazingworld.org