

2014-06-04    06'22''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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主播:永清 坐标:云南 红河 2017年2月20日,外交部向全球推介云南,主题是“开放的中国:魅力云南 世界共享”,外交部部长王毅发表致辞,云南省委书记陈豪讲话,省长阮成发进行推介。 于云南,很多人可能会有误解,我也想借此机会澄清一下:我们不骑孔雀上学,不住吊脚楼,没有杀人名额,甚至有人知道我是云南人以后问我吸不吸毒… 作为云南人,永清向你推介家乡: 云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州 这期节目,也曾被红河州旅游发展委员会的官方微博转发过。 闭上眼睛,放松心灵,永清带你畅游哈尼梯田,感受花腰族的独特风情。 【正文】 Beneath the colorful clouds in Yunnan Province lies a place of mystery and legend. Now, I will take you to this place to experience the stunning beauty of Hani Terrace and unique culture of Yi nationality. What is the place? Well, it is Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture. Honghe is home to ten ethnic groups, among which Hani and Yi peopletake predominance over in number. It provides travelers a cultural feast of ethnic costumes, architecture, songs and dances. A red river runs through the prefecture. In Chinese, Hong means red. He indicates river. That’s why Honghe Prefecture is called. 彩云之南,有一个神秘的地方,充满传奇。现在,我将带你去领略哈尼梯田的惊世之美和彝族的独特民俗。这是哪里呢?没错,这就是红河哈尼族彝族自治州。红河州是10个民族世居的家园,其中,哈尼族和彝族数的人口数量居多。红河州为游客们展开了一幅绚丽多姿的风情画卷:民俗,建筑,歌曲,舞蹈。红土地将河水染成红色,一条红河奔流全境,红河州因此得名。 Now we are reaching Yuanyang, a county in Honge. The Hani Terraces spread along the southern bank of the Red River and cover a total area of over 40,000 hectares. The core areas in Yuanyang County fully demonstrate the charm of Hani Terrace. Yunnan’s mountains are remote,rugged and inaccessible. However, the Hani people have lived here for more than a thousand years. The steep topography and severe weather condition didn’t threaten Hani people to move away. Instead, they dug numerous trenches in the mountains so that the water could flow down. To keep the water, they built banks along these mountains. 现在,我们即将到达红河州的元阳县。哈尼梯田绵延整个红河南岸,面积多达40000公顷。位于元阳的梯田核心区最能充分展示哈尼梯田的壮美。云南的山,如同蜀道一样,难于上青天,然而,哈尼人已经在这里繁衍生息了1300多年。崇山峻岭,恶劣天气,并没有赶走哈尼人。他们因地制宜,在大山上挖筑了成百上千条水沟干渠,大大小小沟箐中流下的山水被悉数截入沟内,这样就解决了梯田稻作的命脉——水利问题。 Over centuries, by developing irrigation networks, they could grow rice in these water fields. For more than 1,300 years, it has transformed the landscape. These mountains plunge nearly two kilometers to the floor of red river valley. Each contains thousands of terraces. They were curved out by the use of hand-made tools. That’s no wonder why Hani Terrace is praised as “a real sculpture of the earth”. 几百年来,凭借着开垦的水利系统,哈尼人才可以在梯田中种植水稻。1300多年来,地貌也随着改变。元阳县的山坡以2000米之势,斜插于红河谷地的河床。每一座山坡,都承载着上千级原始刨掘工具所创造出的梯田。因此,哈尼族的梯田也被盛赞为“真正的大地雕塑”。 Equally important, by making the terraces, Hani people created wetland in places where there was no wetland at all. Thus, the climate can be regulated and biodiversity is maintained. Villages scatter in the terraces. These villagers seem to live near to heaven. They still plough the terraces by water buffaloes. This man-made landscape is one of the most amazing engineering in pre-industrial China. It seems that every inch of theland has been pressed into cultivation. It is breathtaking for you to stand onthe top of the mountain to overview the terraces. UNESCO is also amazed at the spectacular work. It’s listed as a world heritage site. 同样重要的是,通过开垦梯田,哈尼人在没有湿地的地方创造了湿地,气候得以调节,生态得以维持。村庄,零星散落在梯田间。这里的村民似乎生活在离天最近的地方,他们依旧沿用水牛耕犁田地。这片人力开拓的土地是工业化前中国最惊奇的壮景之一,似乎这里的每一寸土地都被打上了农耕的痕迹。如果你站在山顶俯瞰梯田,那你一定会沉浸在这夺人心魄的景色中。联合国教科文组织也为之惊叹,并于2013年将红河哈尼梯田列入世界遗产名录。 After appreciating the stunning beauty of Hani Terrace, we reach Shiping County. Huayao people, a branch of Yinationality, inhabit in this area. You may be attracted by the versatile people and natural beauty. Why are they called Huayao people?If you are observant,you will notice their beautiful clothing especially their belts. They are called Huayao people because the females wear such beautiful belts around their waists. Huayao Bride, a film featuring on the life of Huayao people, was shot there. 欣赏完哈尼梯田的壮景后,我们来到石屏县。彝族的一个分支-----花腰族,生活在这里。或许,你已经被多才多艺的花腰族和自然风光吸引了吧。他们为什么叫花腰族呢?如果仔细观察,你会发现玄机就在他们的腰间。没错,女士们都要缠腰美丽的花腰带,花腰族因此得名。有一部展现花腰族生活和风情的电影——《花腰新娘》,就是在这里拍摄的。 Huayao people are very good at singing and dancing. They have worshipped dragon since ancient time. Both males and females can perform dragon dance. On the stage of Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony, they performed dragon dance to audiences from all over the world. 花腰族能歌善舞,从古时候起,龙就是他们祭祀的图腾,因此,无论男性还是女性,都会舞龙。在北京奥运会开幕式的舞台上,他们向全世界观众奉上了精彩的舞龙表演。 Listen, who is singing? Every time there is a festival, members of the community, males and females, the young and the old,will gather around a bonfire on the village square. They sing and dance happily. It is also a place for the young to find their love. Let&`&s join in the party. If you are still single, you may find your sweetheart. What? Huayao friends are inviting us to their party. Let’s go! 听,谁在唱歌?(花腰族海菜腔《金鸟银鸟飞起来》)逢年过节,族群的所有人,男女老少,都会聚集在村子广场上,围着篝火,欢歌乐舞。当然,这也是年轻人“脱单”和恋爱的场所。一起加入晚会吧,如果你还单身,说不定能邂逅一段美好的爱情哦。什么?热情的花腰朋友邀请我们去跳舞,走! 【红河哈尼族彝族自治州】 位于云南省东南部,北回归线横贯东西。红河州有滇南政治、经济、军事、文化中心蒙自,有世界锡都个旧,有国家历史文化名城建水;文献名邦石屏;有河口和金水河两个国家级口岸;锡文化、陶瓷文化和梯田文化灿烂融合,是云南经济社会和人文自然的缩影。 【哈尼族】 中国少数民族之一,是中国的一个古老的民族,哈尼族主要分布在滇南地区,包括红河哈尼族彝族自治州、西双版纳傣族自治州、普洱市和玉溪市。 【哈尼梯田】 位于云南省元阳县的哀牢山南部,是哈尼族人世世代代留下的杰作,2013年6月22日在第37届世界遗产大会上哈尼梯田被成功列入世界遗产名录,成为我国第45处世界遗产。 【花腰彝族】 生活在石屏县北部的哨冲、龙武、龙朋三个乡镇,世界上仅有3万多花腰彝人。花腰是云南彝族尼苏支系的一部分,花腰并非自称,是他称。因妇女们的服饰色彩艳丽,精美大方,被人们亲切地称为“花腰彝族”,俗称花腰彝。 【海菜腔】 又称“石屏腔”,以石屏异龙湖中一种称为“海菜”的草本水生植物而得名。《海菜腔》是彝族在长期的劳动和生活中创作的;由青年男女在山野、田间、湖上谈情说爱唱出的山歌发展衍变而来的。 【垫乐】 印象丽江《回家》 BBC Wild China Mountains BBC Wild China Rice 花腰族海菜腔《金鸟银鸟飞起来》 彝族三步弦烟盒舞 【主播介绍】 永清:出生于红河州州府蒙自,挚爱过桥米线 主播,制作,编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有