为你读英语美文 · 第420期 主播:潇雨 Outside the Window 《窗外》 作者:周瓒 Often, I imagine lifting my head from the page. 我时常想象自己抬起头,从书页上 I imagine seeing a fraction of the sea, 我想象自己,看到了一片海 its field of blue, beyond the window's edge. 有蓝色的液体,游过窗棂 But all I glimpse is one small part of the ocean. 但我所能领受的,只是一小片海域 So I say to myself, that's not 我告诉自己,那从来就不是 its full depth or expanse— 全部的深广,况且 besides, I'm sitting in one place. 我坐在一个固定的地方 It alerts me, imagination has limits. 它提醒我,想象,也不能是无限的 I know it, too, must begin somewhere; 想象有一个天然的出发点 perhaps it has the freedom 也许它有自由 of the sea bird's wings— 如海鸟一样的翅膀 like those our soul covets— 而我们的心灵能够 offering us breaches, 提供树枝 feeding our daydreams on a perched fulcrum 供白日的梦想,一个栖息的支点 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有