Life is a game 人生是一场游戏 · 冯静

Life is a game 人生是一场游戏 · 冯静

2013-12-20    09'21''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

17.1万 9802

《两小无猜》 Jeux d&`&enfants (2003) 导演: 杨•塞谬尔 Comments by 冯静 Emily It&`&s light, dreamy, and colorful. The movie does not ask you to take it seriously, but simply to watch as Julien and Sophie play with the elements of conventional life. We see Julien and Sophie&`&s games becoming more and more elaborate as they grow up, affecting other lives even. And when they do, you understand at most levels that they do not mean to hurt other people. They just play as the game that is supposed to be played. LIFE IS A GAME 人生是一场游戏 译者 冯静Emily Life is a game, A game of chess, If you make a wrong move, Your winning chances are less. 人生是一场游戏, 就像一盘棋。 如若下错一步, 翻转全局的几率杳无。 Life is so precious, Life is so beautiful, Life is a real game, So make winning your aim. 生命是如此珍贵, 生命是如此美丽, 人生是一场真正的比赛, 务必认准目标,步步为赢。 Think about the move before you make it, Because you don’t want to suffer your whole life for it. Make sure you achieve your aim, Because then you can move on to your next game. 如若不愿人生受一步之错的影响 那么,在做决定之前一定要深思熟虑。 要确保必须达到你的目标, 因为只有这样,你才有资格进入属于你的下一场比赛。 Think of the people, who are waiting for your success, Cheering for you throughout the entire race. You don’t want to disappoint them and make them frown. So make sure that you win and don’t let them down. 想想你身边的亲人朋友,他们都在期待着你的成功, 他们在为你欢呼呐喊。 你肯定不想让他们失望沮丧。 因此,不要让他们失望,请确保你势在必得。 Win the game and make people behind you feel proud, For the support they gave you by sticking around. Thank them for being there and supporting you throughout the game, And be thankful that you have all these people to support you reach your aim. 为了他们在你身边的不离不弃, 赢了这场游戏吧,让你周围的人感到骄傲, 感谢他们在整个游戏中坚而不催的支持, 也要对那些支撑你并激励你触到成功的对手们心存感激。