[38]教师的责任A Teacher's Responsibility

[38]教师的责任A Teacher's Responsibility

2015-07-12    17'50''

主播: 蓝教授英语教学法

194 2

Hello everyone, welcome to 『Hugo Says About Education』   Let's get started with two moments I posted on Wechat.   今天的『笑说教育』从我的两条"说说"说起:   The first one:   "Hey,think of this, what can the Phubbing (Phone+snubbing)do for their country?" Posted on 9th, July, metro in Shanghai.   第一条:"扫一眼四周,你很难相信这个“伟大的”民族中的低头族能为国家作出多大的贡献,这是一个需要安静思考的年代啊。"发表于7月9日,上海的地铁站。   The second one: "She left her son alone, 5 or 6 years old, playing a video game, stared at her smart phone with her baby in arms. The baby bumped into the table edge after repeated struggles. And all of this happened while a Japanese couple sitting opposite wrinkled their frowns, while the mommy shaked her baby impatiently,stared back at her phone, while the papa knew nothing at all but was into his phone. "Posted on 11th, July, Starbucks in Dongguan.    第二条:"任由五六岁大的男孩子打电子游戏,自己抱着尚不足一岁的宝宝埋头玩手机,宝宝经过一番痛苦挣扎之后一头扎在桌子上,对面一对日本夫妇相互对视了一下,皱起了眉头。可是娃娃大声痛哭时,做妈妈的不耐烦地摇了摇孩子,手机照看不误!孩子他爸一直盯着手机看呢,这一切他浑然不觉吗?"发表在11号,东莞的星巴克。   Here comes my topic today, "A Teacher's Responsibility", which was presented in my Wechat Group, CAT-TESOL yesterday.   今天的『笑说教育』从我的两条"说说"说起:  接着我把10号在『CAT-TESOL百家争鸣群』里的演讲稿发布出来 ,主题是"教师的责任"。   Aristotlesays: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, buta habit.   亚里士多德说:"我们是我们反复行为的总和。也就是说,优秀,无关行为,而是一种习惯。" If you never get used to getting up early, it's understandable you are used to thecomfort of warm bed. And no matter what, some of you are probably wishing itwere still 5 am and you could've stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning.   如果你从未习惯早起,那么你贪恋温床上的舒适也是可以理解的。不管怎样,就在今天早上,很多人就在打心里想:如果现在才五点多好,那么至少还可以在被窝里多睡那么一小会儿!   I know that feeling. When US president Obama was young, his family live doverseas. And his mother didn't have the money to send him where all theAmerican kids went to school, but she thought it was important for her son tokeep up with an American education. So she decided to teach Obama extra lessonsherself, Monday through Friday. But because she had to go to work, the only time she could do it was a 更多内容请搜索公众微信xfgg666或私信138520228