

2015-11-26    05'18''

主播: 每日美语—听力up

817 15

最高明的表白方法,甚至不需要说出我爱你这三个字。 「爱在」系列三部曲跨越27年时间拍摄,这是其中的第一部,1995年上映的《爱在黎明破晓前》。(《少年时代》同一导演)故事是讲述两人年轻人在火车上一见钟情,男孩本来是到马德里看望女友,不料分手告终。于是男孩坐火车去维也纳搭飞机回美国,而女孩本来是要回巴黎。临了临了,两人聊得太开心,实在先见恨晚。于是男孩大胆提出女孩陪他在维也纳下火车。来次说走就走的一日游,然后第二天再各自分别。 剧情:两人去了黑胶唱片店,一起在试听房间里听歌,其间两人时不时错开的眼神,莞尔的一笑,男孩想看不敢看的样子。女孩默默看在眼里。他们紧张的听着歌词,没有一句对白。可心里面的蝴蝶早就满屋子飞了。一天下来,两个人都对对方有了一定的了解,接过吻,但却没有表白。夜幕降临后,两人去了咖啡店。于是就有了下面这一段精彩的对白,女孩调皮的玩起了假装给闺蜜打电话的游戏。实则默默把自己的心意通过第三人称的方式告诉给正坐在对面的男孩。男孩也用同样的方式来揣摩对方,积极表达自己。 Celine: Okay, now I 'm going to call my best friend in Paris, 好,现在我要打电话给我在巴黎的朋友。​ who I'm supposed to have lunch with in 8 hours. 本来八个小时之后我们应该共进午餐的​。 OK? Jesse: OK. Celine:Dring-Dring.​Dring-Dring.​Dring-Dring.Pick up! 铃铃~铃铃​~铃铃​~快接啊! Jesse:What?​ 干嘛。 Celine:Pick up the phone. 接电话。 Jesse:Oh, hello? 哦哦,喂?​ Celine:Allo? 喂。 ​Jesse:​Mm-Hmm. 嗯。 Celine:Vanie?C'est celine. 薇妮,我赛琳娜。​ Comment Ca va? 还好吗? Jesse:Ca va bien,​et toi? 我很好,你呢? Celine:Vanie, ma vacation est incroyable!​ 跟你说,我度过了一个梦幻般的假期。 Jesse:Ahhh....y-a-l-y'know, I've been working on my English recently,w-y'want to talk in English for laughs? 那个。。。我正在练英语呢。​咱们要不说英语,权当一笑? Celine:Yeah,ok.That's a good idea. 好啊,好主意。 I don't think I'm going to be able to make it for lunch today.I'm sorry. 我想我今天赶不上和你共进午餐了。对不起。 I met a guy on the train. 我在火车上遇到了一个人。 And I got off in Vienna.We're still there. 然后我和他一起在维也纳下了车,我们现在还在呢。 Jesse:Are you crazy? 你丫疯啦? ​Celine:Probably. 可能吧。。 Jesse:​ He's Austrian?He's from there? 他是奥地利人吗? Celine:No No No No.He's passing through.He's American. 不是啦,他只是路过。他是美国人。 He's going back home tomorrow morning. 明天早上就要回国了。 Jesse: ​Why'd you get off the train with him? 那你干嘛和他下车? Celine:​Well,he convinced me . 嗯。。他把我说服了。 ​ I mean Acutlly I was ready to get off the train with him after talking to him a short while.​ 可实际上我们才聊了一小会,我就已经想和他下车了。 He was so sweet.I couldn't help it. 他是那么温柔,我简直无法自持。 We were in the lounge car, 我们在餐车的时候 and he began to talk about him as a little boy 他开始像个小男孩一样 Seeing his great-Grandmother's ghost. 说他小时候看到曾祖母鬼魂的故事。 I think that's when I fell for him. 我想在那时我已经倾心于他了。 Just the idea of this little boy with all those beautiful dreams. 就是为了那个怀有美丽梦想的小男孩。 He trapped me ! 他俘获了我! Jesse: Mm-Hmm. (点着头)​ 嗯。。。 ​Celine:​And he's so cute. 而且他好帅 He has beautiful blue eyes... 他有一双美丽的蓝眼睛 ...nice pink lips... 好看的粉色嘴唇 ...greasy hair.I love it. 油光发亮的头发,我的菜! He's kind of tall and a little clumsy. 他有点高,又有点笨拙。 【I like to feel his eyes on my when I look away.】​ 我喜欢当我望向别处时他落在我身上的目光。 He kind of kisses like an adolescent. 他的吻就像个小男孩一般 It's so cute. 特别可爱。​ Jesse: What? 啊? Celine:Yeah, we kissed.It was so adorable. 没错,我们接吻了,太赞噜! As the night went on ,I began to like him more and more. 入夜之后,我越来越喜欢他了。 But I'm afraid he's scared of me . 我担心他害怕我。 I told him the story about the woman that kills her ex-Boyfriend and stuff. 我告诉了他那个关于杀死前男友的女人的故事。 ​​He must be scared to death. 他肯定吓尿了。 He must be thinking I'm this manipulative mean woman. 他一定以为我是那种不容忤逆,又刻薄的女人。 (Jesse摇着​头)​ I just hope he doesn't feel that way about me . 我真希望他没有那样想我。 Because you know I'm the most harmless person. 因为,你知道我的,我最无害的啦。 The only person I could really hurt is myself. 我唯一能忍心伤害的人就是我自己。 Jesse: I don't think he's scared of you . 我不认为他怕你。 I think he's crazy about you . 我认为他已为你痴狂。 ​ Celine: Really? 真的假的? Jesse: I've known you a long time. 我认识你这么久了。 ​ I got a good feeling. 我的预感不会错。 You gonna see him again? 你还会见他吗? Celine:​We haven't talked about that yet. 我们还没有谈论到这个呢。 Okay, it's your turn. 好了,该你了。 You call your friend. 打电话给你基友。 Jesse: ​ All right, all right. 好吧,好吧。 I usually get this guy's answering machine. 通常我打过去总是转给答录机。 Celine:​Hi, dude. What's up? 嘿,哥们,怎么着? Jesse: ​Hey, Frank. How you been? I'm glad you're home. 嘿,弗兰克,你还好吗?真高兴你在家。 Celine:​Cool. Yeah. So how was Madrid? 对啊,马德里怎么样? Jesse: ​Madrid sucked. 马德里烂透了。 Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown. 丽莎和我总算来​了个了​断。 Celine:​Too bad. I told you, no? 做好事,我早告诉过你吧! Jesse: ​Yeah, yeah. The long-distance thing just never works. 是的,距离美那套从来不靠谱。 I was only in Madrid for a couple days. 我只在马德里呆几天。 I got a cheaper flight out of Vienna. 我买了张从维也纳起飞的廉价机票。 You know, it really wasn't that much cheaper. I just... 你懂的,其实也没那么便宜。 I couldn't go home right away.I didn't want to see anybody I knew. 只是我现在没法就回去。我不想见到熟人。 I just wanted to be a ghost,completely anonymous. 我只想变成一只鬼魂,完全消失。 Celine:​So are you okay now? 那你现在没事吧? Jesse: ​Yeah. I'm great. I'm great. 没事,我很好。 That's the thing. 有个事。 I'm rapturous. 我简直喜不自胜。 And I'll tell you why. 我告诉你为什么。 I met somebody on my last night in Europe. 我昨天在欧洲的最后一个晚上遇到了一个人。 Celine:​ That's incredible. 那真是太棒了啊。 Jesse: I know, I know. 我知道。 You know how they say we're all each other's demons and angels? 你知道人们怎么描述我们是彼此的小恶魔和天使的吗? Well, she was literally a Botticelli angel... 好吧,她简直就是波提切利笔下的天使。 ...telling me everything would be okay. 安慰我一切都会好起来。 Celine:​ How did you meet? 你们怎么遇到的? Jesse:On the train. 在火车上。 She was sitting next to 她开始坐在一对 a weird couple that was fighting... 正在吵架的奇怪夫妻旁边。。 ..so she moved. She sat right across the aisle from me. 然后她换到我过道对面的地方坐下来。 So we started to talk. 然后我们开始聊天。 She didn't like me much at first. 她开始不怎么喜欢我。 She's super smart... 她机灵得很。 ...very passionate... 富有热情。。 ...and beautiful. 美丽极了。 And I was so unsure of myself. 然后我就不自信了。 I thought everything I said 我觉得我所说的所有东西都听起来很 sounded so stupid. 听起来很蠢。 Celine:​ Oh, man. I wouldn't worry about that. 不是吧你,我觉得你完全不用担心。 Jesse:No, I'm sure she was not judging you. 我知道,我确定她不会那样评判我。 No, and by the way, 顺便说一下, she sat next to you. 她就坐我旁边。 Celine:​ I'm sure she did it on purpose. 我确定她是故意的。 Jesse:Oh, yeah? 真的吗? Celine:​Us men are so stupid. We don't 我们男人都太蠢。 understand anything about women. 我们不懂女人。 They act strange, 虽然她们有时表现得有点意怪, the little I know of them. 这点我还是晓得的。 Don't they? 难道不是吗? Jesse:Yeah. 没错。