

2019-03-27    02'44''

主播: 201709101403086773

273 3

翻译 How're you doing?你在干嘛? -……I'm well. ……我挺好的。 -And…How are you feeling,Gus? -那么…你感觉如何?古斯? -I'm great,Yeah. -我很好啊,没错。 -Maybe you'd like to share your fears with the group?-想和大家分享你的恐惧吗? -My fears?-我的恐惧? -Fear of things gets to mean the time. -我总是在害怕。 -But you can't talk about with anyone or you just sound like a fool. -去不能和别人讲,就像个傻子一样。 -Fear that might run our friendships. -害怕失去朋友。 -Fear of growing old and being alone. -害怕自己孤独终老。 -Fear that we're useless and that no one cares what we have to say. -害怕一无是处,亦没有人在乎你说什么。 -Look I consider myself a realist,all right. -我觉得我是个现实主义者。 -But in philosophical,I'm what's called a pessimistic.-但是从哲学上来说我是个悲观主义者 -I think human consciousness,was a tragic in evolution. -我觉得人类的意识是进化一种可恶的错误 -We became too self-aware. -我们对自己认知太多。 -Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.-自然从自身抽离出一部分又化为自然。 -We're creatures that should not exist by nature law.-从自然法则上来说,我们是不该存在的生物。 -We're things that labor under the illusion of having a self. -我们被自我这一幻觉给奴役了。 -This accreditation of sensory experience and feeling.-感官的体验和感觉的结合。 -Programmed with total assurance that we're each somebody.-确信的设定好我们每个人都是某个人。 -When in fact,everybody is nobody. -事实上,我们谁都不是。 -So what's the point of getting out bed in the morning. -那每天早上起来的意义何在? -I tell myself I bear witness, -我告诉自己是为了见证, -But the real answer is that It's obviously my programming,and I lack consititution for suicide. -但真相是我被如此设定了,我又没勇气自杀 -What's the point of a fucking window if you.can't jump out of it?-如果不能跳下去要这窗户有何用 -There's nothing,yet,nothing but to realize and how fuck up the things are. -我无能为力只能接受糟糕的现实。 -It's not enough.-这还不够。 -I won't last.-我撑不下去了。 -But you of all people know It's possible to live with pain. - 但我们都知道痛苦是可以承受的 -Listen to me ,just listen,-听着我,听着。 -We all the same,we all feel pain. -我们都一样,都会感到痛苦。 -We all have chaos in our lifes. -我们都会遭受人生的混乱与糟糕。 -Life is very very confusing,I know. -人生就是如此费解与不易,我知道。 -Because nothing is lost forever. -什么都不会永远消失。 -In this world,there is a kind of painful progress,a longing for what we've left behind…… -这个世界有种痛苦的进步渴望我们留下什么……