翻唱 《Gorgeous》 转载

翻唱 《Gorgeous》 转载

2019-04-12    02'20''

主播: 201709101403086773

556 5

You should take it as a compliment 这或许是我们关系亲密的兆头 That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk 当我喝醉微醺时会取笑你的说话方式 You should think about the consequence 你也应该考虑到这样的后果 Of your magnetic field being a little too strong 你于我的吸引力是如此之强 仿佛磁场 And I got a boyfriend 我的新男友 He is older than us 比以往都要年长 He is in club doing 流连于那些 I don't know what 我不熟悉的场所 You are so cool it makes me hate you so much 你的冷淡气质 让我对你深深厌恶 I hate you so much 让我对你深深厌恶 Whiskey on ice 威士忌与冰块 Sunset and vine 落日余晖 藤影摇曳 You've ruined my life 你让我的生活这般惬意颓靡 By not being in mine 却又不愿承认属于我 You're so gorgeous 你是如此高贵动人 I can't say anything to your face 面对你的脸庞我一时失语 'Cause look at your face 因为你精致的容颜 And I'm so furious 而我是那么急切 At you for making me feel this way 因为你让我体会到的 爱的感觉 But what can I say? 我还能说什么呢
上一期: 人 间 地 狱
下一期: 翻唱 《bad guy》