20190201-Tarot Cards

20190201-Tarot Cards

2019-02-01    01'15''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

172 0

2019.02.01 正确看待塔罗牌占卜 Lesson A 1. So first things first, instead of thinking of tarot cards as predictions of the future like they are so commonly thought of, I think, instead, it would be better if we thought of them as reflections and projections of our current life circumstances. 首先,不要认为塔罗牌就像它们普遍被认为的那样,是对未来的预言。相反,我认为,如果我们把它们当作是我们目前生活状况的映射会更好些。   2. And what I mean by this is the future is not set in stone. Your future can change just as quickly as you can change your mind in this very moment. 我这样说是指未来不是一成不变的。未来改变的速度会和此刻你改变想法的速度一样快。   3. And if the outcome seems favorable, then this can be really validating and really reassuring. So on the flip side, if a tarot reading kind of seems to be negative, then a good tarot reader can give you advice to kind of help you adjust and focus your trajectory towards a more positive outcome. 如果(塔罗牌解读的)结果是有利的,那会十分地令人安心。反过来讲,如果塔罗牌的解读比较消极,那么一个好的塔罗师能够给你建议,帮助你调整扭转你的发展轨迹朝向更积极的结果。   4. I wanted to explain this because it's really important that when you get tarot readings you don't form any kind of expectations or attachments to what you think the future is supposed to be like. 我想对此做出解释是因为当你收到塔罗牌的解读时,不要对你预期的未来产生任何期盼或依赖,这一点十分重要。   5. In that way, it allows your heart and mind to be open to the possibilities of the future rather than limiting yourself with expectation or anything like that. 如此一来,能让你的心灵和大脑积极接受未来的各种可能性,而不是把自己局限到一些期盼当中。