20190202-Tarot Cards (B)

20190202-Tarot Cards (B)

2019-02-02    00'51''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

159 0

2019.02.02 EMF 正确看待塔罗牌占卜 Lesson B   1.模拟第一句: 首先要搞清楚的是,与其把婚姻看成是各种家庭的责任,这也是对婚姻最普遍的认识,我觉得,倒不如把婚姻看作是我们现阶段生活状态下的一种合作伙伴关系。 So first things first, instead of thinking of marriage as responsibilities of the family like it is so commonly thought of, I think, instead, it would be better if we thought of it as cooperation and partnership under our current life circumstances.   2.模拟第二句: 我的意思是,结局并非已经板上钉钉。只要观众可以及时表达此时此刻对于剧情的喜爱程度,那么结尾也可以因你而变。 And what I mean by this is the ending is not set in stone. The ending can change just as quickly as the audience can express their liking in this very moment.   3.模拟第三句: 如果一段感情看着很完美,那就会很亲密很幸运。但是另一方面,如果一段感情感觉非常痛苦,那么聪明的人就会把它当作一个教训,教会自己看清并不再重蹈覆辙,才能继续迎接下一段美好的爱情。 And if the relationship seems perfect,then this can be really intimate and really fortunate. So on the flip side, if a relationship kind of seems to be painful, then a smart person can teach himself a lesson to kind of help himself realize and avoid the same mistake, and then move towards a more positive relationship.