20190212-肥胖的烦恼 Lesson B

20190212-肥胖的烦恼 Lesson B

2019-02-12    00'47''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

164 1

2019.02.12 EMF 肥胖的烦恼 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK   1.模拟第一句: 唯一能让中华民族雄起的方法就是全中国人像一家人一样团结一致,因为我们任何人都没法完成民族复兴的伟业。 The only way that we are able to get Chinese Nation to rise up is to work together as a family because none of us would be able to do it by ourselves.   2.模拟第二句: 我感觉被周遭的人给侮辱了,因为我长得漂亮。她们没见过我这般的盛世美颜,就像是换台的时候突然发现邻家女孩突然赢得了选美冠军。你不可能不羡慕嫉妒恨,你会呆坐着想,这女人到底经历了什么。 I feel insulted by the outside world cos I'm pretty. They're not used to seeing somebody of my beauty. It's like switching between channels and seeing the girl next door win the beauty pageant, you're not gonna not envy her, you're gonna sit staring and wonder what (the hell) happened.   3.模拟第三句: 我们要不惜一切,赢了就是王,输了也是英雄。我知道这么做无异于自杀,但是我们别无选择。我们如今已经活得不成样子了,很快这就是一个生死存亡的问题。 We'II risk everything here either to live as a king or die as a hero. And I know doing this is killing us, but we can't stop. We're already barely living as we should be. And it's just a matter of life-or-death before it's too late.