20190213-你会正确刷牙吗?Lesson A

20190213-你会正确刷牙吗?Lesson A

2019-02-13    00'57''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

122 2

2019.02.13 EMF 你会正确刷牙吗?Lesson A   1. No dental treatment will be effective unless you keep your teeth and mouth clean. You have to follow your treatment with routine and proper home oral care. 除非你保持牙齿和口腔清洁,否则任何牙科治疗都是无效的。你必须遵循你的常规治疗和适当的家庭口腔护理。   2. This means doing a sequence of three things in order--flossing, brushing and rinsing. The key is not only to do it regularly but also to do it right. This means you should brush and floss regularly and after every meal, and at a minimum of twice daily. 这意味着要按顺序做三件事——用牙线清洁、刷牙和漱口。关键是不仅要定期按时,而且要做对。这就是说你应该经常刷牙和使用牙线,每顿饭后,每天至少两次。   3. Many people these days use an electric toothbrush such as a Sonicare electric brush. Whether you use electric or still prefer a manual the brushing movement is the same. 现在很多人使用电动牙刷,比如飞利浦的声波震动电牙刷。无论你是使用电动还是手动,刷牙动作都是一样的。   4. You should hold the brush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth, gently but thoroughly rotate the bristles across your teeth and under your gums with a backward and forward motion. 你应该保持刷毛与牙齿成45度角,轻轻但彻底地旋转刷毛,前后移动,让刷毛刷过牙齿和牙龈。   5. Remember three steps of daily hygiene is the secret to a healthy mouth, your own mouth. 记住,日常卫生的这三个步骤是保持口腔健康的秘诀,保持你自己的口腔健康。